Is the Post AI World a Socialist Utopia?

ameya agrawal
7 min readAug 26, 2023


As we stand on the threshold of the third decade of the 21st century, the pace of technological advancement is accelerating at an unprecedented rate. We now achieve what once took 20 years of progress in a mere year or two. This exponential growth, driven by the relentless evolution of technology and especially Artificial Intelligence (AI), promises that the next 20 years will witness advancements equivalent to hundreds of years at the pace of the past.

From eradicating cancer to holidaying on Mars, the realm of the possible is expanding at a dizzying speed. But as we marvel at these potential achievements, it’s crucial that we also turn our gaze to the broader societal implications. The question we find ourselves grappling with is not just about the technological marvels we can achieve but also about the kind of world we are shaping: “Is the post-AI world a socialist utopia?”

This article aims to explore this question in depth. Let us dive into the Post AI world.

In the year 2022, something incredible happened that changed the world forever. Artificial intelligence (AI) became a part of our lives, transforming everything around us. It wasn’t just the physical landscape that was affected, but also our machines, homes, healthcare, transportation improved.

This technological marvel brought much hope. AI increased productivity. Dependency on blue-collar workers reduced and their exploitation did too. Part because their work got easier and part because there remained no jobs for these workers. Was Capitalism slowly going away?

These advancements allowed people to express themselves, explore new things, and thrive in the arts. Social activities brought communities together, and virtual reality inspired artists like Priyanka, who showed the fantastic collaboration between AI and human creativity.

Figure 1

While some people thrived in this new age of automation, others struggled to keep up.

The privileged few enjoyed even greater success, while those already poor with no access to opportunities faced even more hardships and perished over the years. Only a few who were resilient survived.

For example, Reema, a factory worker who lost her job to automation, refused to give up. She joined a grassroots movement to fight for equal access to AI education, recognizing its potential to empower marginalized communities.

The social bar was raised as only those with some privileged were now roaming the world.

Few people like Dhruv strived to make the world better beyond AI. He revolutionalized agriculture because he knew no matter what AI can manufacture, the need for food wouldn’t go away.

Figure 2

As the wealthy and powerful fought to protect the AI-driven economy, there was a growing sense of uncertainty among those left out. Inequality continued to grow, pushing society to its limits. But despite this divide, there was still a glimmer of hope. The society continued to advance, allowing people to pursue their passions beyond mundane labor. Crime rates decreased, and compassion and creativity made a comeback.

At this critical moment, the paths of Priyanka, Dhruv, and Reema intersected, changing the world forever. Priyanka’s artistic talent inspired others to find meaning and fulfillment. Dhruv revolutionized sustainable farming using AI and automation, addressing food scarcity and offering hope to those affected by automation. Reema tirelessly fought for equal access to AI education, breaking down socio-economic barriers and empowering others. These aren’t the only ones who are changing the world. Some were striving to keep human emotions and rationality alive through research, some promoted the importance of love, while some believed in a demand-driven economy rather than a consumption-driven. Some questioned sustainability, while others questioned how much is too much and where should humans slow down?

However, challenges still lay ahead. The world was on the brink of power consolidation as monopolies emerged to rival ancient rulers. These entities had control over every aspect of society, raising questions about the actual benefits of their dominance.

A fragile balance was struck as progress and power clashed. A handful Capitalists thrived, while socialism and Marxism emerged as forces pushing for fair resource distribution. Necessities were guaranteed, promoting harmony in society. Collaboration triumphed over competition, creating a utopia where everyone had the opportunity to succeed.

People like Priyanka, Dhruv, and Reema became champions of equality and inclusion. They reshaped policies, education, and technology ethics, inspiring others to confront power dynamics and work towards an AI-enabled future that uplifted everyone. As everyone’s needs were being met, crime started to disappear in this world of endless possibilities as kindness and compassion became the guiding principles of society. Warmth connected people across all barriers, nurturing humanity and ensuring unity prevailed.

However, even in this seemingly perfect utopia, capitalism began to show its limitations. The relentless pursuit of profit and endless production created immense wealth and technological achievements. But eventually, increasing production no longer improved lives as it once did.

Figure 3

Realizing the need for change, capitalist elites shifted their strategy. They understood that to maintain authority and respect, they needed to meet the needs of the masses. Consumption became the driving force of society, replacing output. Capitalist elites became benevolent benefactors, providing all essential services and guaranteeing food, clothing, housing, education, and healthcare, effectively eliminating poverty and ensuring a minimum standard of living.

What does a powerful man want? More Power

However, beneath the facade of equality, power dynamics remained hidden. Capitalist elites controlled all production and decision-making, skillfully managing wealth redistribution to maintain control. While the masses received equal provisions, economic and social mobility remained limited. The elites handpicked those who would rise and those who would remain dependent, perpetuating the illusion of equality and hindering real progress.

People increasingly depended on capitalist elites for their well-being, sacrificing their agency. The elites used this dependency to tighten their grip on power. Innovation and creativity were slowly stifled as regulated consumption became the norm.

Any disruptive ideas or movements threatening the elites’ dominance were started to be forcefully resisted.

As time passed, underneath the regulated consumer society, resentment grew.

In a capitalist world, progress cannot bewithout some form of inequality.

Some individuals dared to question the status quo, seeing through the illusions and limitations imposed on them. Some got bored without ambitions, the ups and downs of life, the absence of thrill and uncertainty, and no target to achieve.

Figure 4: Karl Marx and Adam Smith ideologies will faceoff or join hands?

Some said that they felt they are just existing and not actually living.

Some wanted to climb up the hierarchy ladder in the social order, while some felt that this distributed equality was nothing but a means by the so-called benefactors and benevolent to curb thinking and voice and paralysing the independent thought process of individuals. Some longed for a society that valued freedom, creativity, and progress. Inspired by the ideals of independence, freedom to choose and do what they want, create something, build value for themselves and others, being a part of the system that contributes and builds something, and self-determination, these dissenters came together to share their message of change.

Their voices grew louder, challenging the mainstream narrative and envisioning a society that embraced the risks and opportunities of capitalism. As people embraced the entrepreneurial spirit, innovation flourished once again. Capitalism experienced a revival as the masses returned to economic competition, free markets, and personal aspirations. Purpose and opportunity were reignited, breathing new life into society. This ignited a tiny spark for another potential revolution.

And so, the cycle of revolution completed itself, showcasing the dynamic nature of society. Socialism and capitalism continued to trade advantages and drawbacks, each having the power to both uplift and oppress. The discontent that revived capitalism would, in turn, revive socialism as the pendulum of change swung back and forth. The wheel will revolve again.

Figure 5 The wheel will revolve again.

Society’s true history would be defined by its ability to adapt and engage in an ongoing examination of the paths that honored human diversity and drove progress.

In this ever-turning cycle, humanity would forever be reminded of the importance of challenging established beliefs and forging a path that sought to uplift every individual, ensuring a society that celebrated equality, justice, and development.

“The essence of progress lies not in the absolutes, but in the harmonious dance between the yin of socialism and the yang of capitalism.”

#PostAIUtopia #SocialismvsCapitalism #KarlMarx #AdamSmith #PostAIWorld #Socialism #Capitalism #Aleapwithin

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ameya agrawal

Overthinker, Author of A Leap Within, Speaker, National Record Holder. In search of self. Join my journey