What are the things rich people do that poor people don’t do?

ameya agrawal
5 min readJul 19, 2021

There are some key differences between rich and poor people. If you’re currently not rich but want to be rich, you’ll want to avoid some common mistakes that a lot of poor people make. Common mistakes that poor people make include spending too much money on unnecessary purchases, not putting enough money aside for later, and not having a budget for their expenses. You’ll also want to make sure you don’t get swindled by any scams in the future. By educating yourself and making some different choices, you can easily turn your life around and be one of the economic elite.

In this article, I will try to share some important and key differences that separate rich people and poor people

Rich people do not focus on their weaknesses. They are quite aware of their shortcomings and try to work on them, but they do not dwell on them. They know they are not great in everything and that is why they study, read and spend time with those who are. They are not very good at finances either and that is why they hire accountants and money managers. If you are serious about becoming wealthy, then you should not spend your time beating yourself up over your weaknesses. They should be seen as a challenge, as a learning opportunity.

Rich people have habit of investing to the future and poor people don’t. Poor people are all about instant gratification. They want everything right now; they want a car, they want expensive clothes, they want to live a high life, but they don’t want to work for it. They want rich people to invest in them, but they don’t want to invest in themselves. They want to be rich, but they don’t want to risk anything. They want to live large, but they don’t want to be responsible for it. And because of these reasons, they miss out on the opportunities before them, and they don’t take advantage of the chances they do have. They only live today, and they miss out on the opportunities of tomorrow.

Rich people are more conscious about their spending. They restrict their spending on unnecessary things and save on the things that are more essential. Rich people don’t buy a new car every year. They are not fond of displaying their wealth. They pay their bills on time. They budget their money in a way that they can save more and more. They generally have a positive and optimistic outlook towards life.

Rich people do is that they live below their means. They understand that consumerism is a trap and fall for it as well — they just don’t fall for it as often. They take vacations but don’t own a boat. They drive cars, but not BMWs. They buy clothes, but not Armani. They eat out sometimes, but not at 5-star restaurants. And they live in houses, but not mansions. They spend more time helping others than thinking of themselves. Rich people understand that the more they can help others, the more they end up helping themselves.

Rich people have mastered money management and poor people haven’t. Rich people are very good with their money. They know how to make a lot of money and also know how to spend it wisely. They don’t spend what they don’t have. Rich people don’t get tempted by unnecessary expenses and they are not attracted to “costly” things. Rich people will use their credit cards only to make a purchase, but they will never spend money they don’t have. They don’t borrow money to spend like poorer people do. Poor people spend all their money as soon as they earn it. But rich people live by a budget. They save and invest what they don’t spend. A lot of poor people don’t know how to manage money. They are always spending more than they earn. They are always looking to borrow money or asking family and friends for loans or gifts.

Rich people think long-term. Poor people think short-term, which means they don’t have an investment in their future. Rich people know that their income is directly correlated to their knowledge. Poor people think that their knowledge is irrelevant. Rich people learn from their mentors and surround themselves with role models who are doing what they want to do. Poor people spend all their time with people who have worse lives than they do.

Rich people are proactive. Poor people are reactive. Rich people usually have a strict morning ritual that sets up the rest of the day. Poor people wait until the last minute to start preparing for the day. Rich people learn personal development skills such as public speaking, communication, negotiation, leadership and sales. Poor people think personal development skills are a scam. Rich people create multiple streams of income. Poor people rely on their jobs for income. Rich people persist through challenges. Poor people quit when they face difficulties.

Rich people think money is life-centered. It’s not only about earning money and getting rich. It’s about how we think about money. Poor people tend to think about money as self-centered, Poor people think money is hard to come by, while rich people think money comes easily. Rich people think of money as a resource to invest in their future, while poor people think money is the root of evil and only suffers in the hands of rich people.

Below is a quick listicle of the things that make rich people different.

1. They start where everyone else stops.

2. They sacrifice short-term gratification for long-term rewards.

3. They set goals — and then they achieve them.

4. They work every day on their financial future.

5. They spend less than they make.

6. They learn from the mistakes of others.

7. They listen to the right people.

8. They have a sense of humor.

9. They find better ways to manage their money.

10. They use their money.

11. They invest in the future

12. They own assets and not liabilities. They understand the difference.

13. They know how to designate work

14. They look after their health

15. They work while everyone is resting

16. They understand and make passive income works

17. They make their money work for them.

18. They are good at accounting and keeping track of things

19. They learn from the mistakes of others but don’t fear to make their own mistakes

20. Before spending every penny, they might be thinking — This is the money I won’t see ever again. I better make the most of it.

Hope this helps you start on the path of riches.

More power to you.


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ameya agrawal

Overthinker, Author of A Leap Within, Speaker, National Record Holder. In search of self. Join my journey www.ameyaagrawal.com